How To Crop A PDF Document With PDF Converter

PDF Converter does not provide a cropping function by default, although workarounds are available for cropping using the program. If you are a user of PDF Converter, you will be thrilled to learn how to crop a PDF using our program. It is not difficult to accomplish, and the fact that you were already using that hidden function regularly without being aware that you could also use it to crop a PDF is evidence of that. Whether you need to cut off a paragraph, the whole page, or the margins of a document, we will discuss various methods with which you may crop a PDF using PCE. These methods will vary depending on which of these you need to cut out.

Choose Area Feature as a replacement cropping tool.

Cut away a more manageable portion of the PDF material shown on a single PDF page. You are unable to skip over the step in which you are required to pick the file to be converted while using PDF Converter to work with PDF files. When you open a PDF and pick the PDF conversion you want, you will be prompted to select either the whole file, certain pages, or a region.

The option to "Select area" may be used to crop the PDF in the manner that best suits your needs. Suppose you wish to eliminate specific portions of a PDF document, and those parts are not the whole page but rather particular paragraphs. In that case, you may choose a document region you want to preserve or omit and then delete those paragraphs.

For instance, if you want to extract only a specific section of the PDF placed on one page but not the entire page, you can select the section, convert it to Word, and then convert it back to PDF. This is beneficial when you only want to extract a portion of the PDF on one page. You will end up with a new PDF that has been cropped in this manner.

Read the section just after this one about the Delete Text option if you want to preserve a larger portion of the text but still need to crop certain PDF pages.

Delete Text is another method of PDF cropping.

Reduce the PDF file size by removing selected sentences from the whole text.

PDF Converter is also a PDF editor, as you surely already know, and it can modify PDF files without converting them. After opening a PDF file, choose Edit from the menu to bring up a sidebar with several different editing choices. When you wish to trim a PDF file, one of these options, called Delete Text, might be helpful.

If there is text in your PDF file that you do not want, you can use this option to erase certain phrases or even whole paragraphs. This is useful if you need to remove such content. Select the portion of the document that you wish to delete, then click the Delete button and select it from the menu that appears. However, if you want to save that material but not in the same file, it is best to extract pages from a PDF and save them in a different document. This can be done by selecting the pages you wish to keep and clicking the "Extract Pages" button.

Resize Pages: Modify the page size of our PDF.

Utilizing the Resize PDF tool, space may be removed from the PDF document.

You may crop a PDF file by selecting the Edit mode that we discussed before and then clicking the Resize Pages option in that mode.

You may choose the page by either clicking on it or entering the same page number into both the First and Last Page sections.

The term "anchor settings" refers to the most significant portion of your document, which serves as the point of reference from which the size is determined. It is positioned in the center by default when it is set up.

When it comes to the sizes, you can pick one from the drop-down menu labeled Size or by selecting the kind of document. You may also choose the "custom" option and enter the width and height values. When you click the Resize button, the page will take on a new appearance; for example, if you choose a smaller size than the usual document size, the page will be cropped. However, you need to remember that if you pick the incorrect height or width values, they could not be cropped the way you meant them. This is something you need to keep in mind when cropping images. Because of this, selecting one of the available sizes from the menu that drops down would be the most convenient option.


As you can see, PDF Converter provides various options for cropping a PDF file, so you may pick the approach that best suits your requirements. Even though the right crop PDF tool isn't going to be available until one of the future editions of PCE, these three capabilities will be able to get the job done.